Streamline Your Release Process with LightDocs

Manage and document all change logs and release notes efficiently. Ensure transparency and keep your users informed about the latest updates, improvements, and bug fixes.

Streamline Your Release Notes.
Start using our app today.

Simplify the process of documenting updates and changes. Build trust with comprehensive release notes.

Setup & Publish faster

Maintain changelogs effortlessly

Create and publish changelogs and release notes quickly with our SaaS app. Maintain subdomains and map them to necessary domains for better SEO.

Quick Signup
Sign up with GitHub or Google account quickly and start using the app in no time.
Built-in SEO
Maintain better positioning with our in-built SEO features for your changelogs.
Server-Side Rendering
Experience faster load times with server-side rendering for your changelogs.
Quick Web Access
Access your changelogs quickly and efficiently from anywhere.
Changelogs Published
Domains Mapped
Active Beta Users

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

How do I sign up?
You can sign up quickly using your GitHub or Google account. Just click on the 'Sign Up' button and follow the instructions.
How do I create a changelog?
Creating a changelog is simple. After signing in, navigate to the 'Create Changelog' section, fill in the details, and publish.
How does the SEO feature work?
Our built-in SEO ensures your changelogs are optimized for search engines, improving your visibility and ranking.
What is server-side rendering?
Server-side rendering improves the speed and performance of your changelogs by generating the HTML on the server before sending it to the client.
How can I access my changelogs?
You can access your changelogs quickly from any device by using your subdomain URL or by logging into your account and navigating to the 'My Changelogs' section.